
Create Service Provider

The Service Provider is the organisation/company that is providing this SI file. You should provide some basic information on the Service Provider.

If you don’t want to describe a Service Provider, you can use the Skip button at the bottom of the page.


Name of this Service Provider.


Description of this Service Provider.


Links to other websites / resources.
Use the MIME entry 'text/html' if you are providing a link to another website.


Links to this Service Provider's logos


You must provide at least the 5 standard logo sizes in the pre-filled form (32px x 32px, 112px x 32px, 128px x 128px, 320px x 240px, 600px x 600px. You do not upload the logos to us. The logos must be hosted on your existing webserver, and you put the URL to the logo into this form.


The geographic coverage of this Service Provider.